We Testify for Reproductive Justice Toolkit

We testify for reproductive justice, including abortion access and the right to share our stories and lived experiences without being criminalized and targeted by the state. Our testimonies hold power, and the more the Ohio legislature oppresses our right to exist through anti protest bills and our right to abortion access, the louder we will get, and the more we know we are winning. 

Join us to learn more on how to share your story and your right to oppose antis in the Ohio legislature. We will be holding space for you to answer any questions, and to hold space to submit testimony against SB 123, a bill designed to immediately overturn abortion access, if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court. And HB 325, another Anti Protest Bill, was designed to allow people with a firearm to cross police lines during protests. 

Marching is not enough. We need to show up at the statehouse hearings, we need to show up in the streets, be it with or without a permit, and we have the right to show up in embracing our full humanity and diverse voices. 

While writing your written testimony, please make sure: 

  1. You are submitting OPPONENT testimony on the following bills: 

    1. Trigger Ban Bill (Senate Bill 123) 

    2. Anti Protest Bill (House Bill 325)

  2. If you are submitting testimony, each template already has the following information included in body of the testimony template: 

    1.  Committee information, bill information and stance on bill 

  3. The portions of testimony that must be filled in by you will be bolded. 

  4. Once done, please submit testimony to Jasmine Henderson, Director of Policy for the Ohio Women’s Alliance at jasmine@ohiowomensalliance.org

  5. Please make a copy of this testimony slip and email to jasmine@ohiowomensalliance.org along with your testimony

  6. Jasmine will submit testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Government Oversight Committee when opponent testimony notification is received. 

  7. You will receive an email from OWA stating your testimony has been submitted. 

Tips for Writing Written or In-Person Testimony: 

  1. Always address the Chairman of the Committee first, either was Chairman, Chairwoman, or Chairperson (followed by last name) 

  2. Then address the Ranking Minority Member of the Committee.  Ranking Minority Member (followed by their last name). 

  3. Information for all written testimony preparation will be provided by Ohio Women’s Alliance Action Fund. This information includes Senate/House bill number, OWA nickname for bill, hyperlink of bill via Ohio Statehouse website, committee name, name of chairperson, ranking minority member, all other committee members and contact information for all committee members. 

  4. The Ohio Women’s Action Fund will ALWAYS provide written testimony prep for all community and cooperative members who are interested in submitting testimony. Preparation will include template and logistics about the bill 

  5. All written testimony must be submitted to the Committee Chairperson’s office 24 hours before committee heating. Please submit all written testimony and materials to the Director of Policy and Social Impact of Ohio Women’s Alliance at jasmine@ohiowomensalliance.org at least 48 hours before the Committee deadline. 

  6. Other useful tips: State why this bill is important enough for you to testify and what impact will it have on you and your community? 

Please craft your testimony using this sample template:

Trigger Ban Bill (Senate Bill 123)

Hello, Chairman Huffman, Vice-Chair Antoni, Ranking Member Antonio, and Members of the Senate Health Committee, Thank you for allowing me to testify today. My name is ________. I am [basic bio about who you are]. I am strongly opposed to Senate Bill 123 . [Then tell them why! Make it short and concise (normally a few paragraphs) . Tell a personal story (lived experience , the perspective you have on the bill, impact it would have on your loved ones or community). If possible, cite some statistics or case studies to back up your claims.I ask you to consider my testimony and vote NO on this [harmful/dangerous] bill. Thank you again for the opportunity to testify. I will now take any questions you may have. 

NOTE: Legislators are more likely to ask questions if you provide data/statistics or present yourself as having professional experience related to the bill, so be prepared to back up your testimony. If you have any questions about testifying, please reach out to Jasmine Henderson, Director of Policy and Social Impact at jasmine@ohiowomensalliance.org 

Anti-Protest Bill (House Bill 325) Template: 

Hello, Chairman Wilkans, Vice Chair White, Ranking Member Swenney and Members of the Government Oversight Committee, Thank you for allowing me to testify today. My name is ________. I am [basic bio about who you are]. I am strongly opposed to (or I strongly support) [Bill Number]. [Then tell them why! Make it short and concise (normally a few paragraphs) . Tell a personal story (lived experience , the perspective you have on the bill, impact it would have on your loved ones or community). If possible, cite some statistics or case studies to back up your claims.] I ask you to consider my testimony and vote NO on this [harmful/dangerous] bill. Thank you again for the opportunity to testify. I will now take any questions you may have.

NOTE: Legislators are more likely to ask questions if you provide data/statistics or present yourself as having professional experience related to the bill, so be prepared to back up your testimony. If you have any questions about testifying, please reach out to Jasmine Henderson, Director of Policy and Social Impact at jasmine@ohiowomensalliance.org 

Learn more about the Trigger Abortion Ban (Senate Bill 123)

Learn more about one of the anti-protest bills (House Bill 325)

When you’ve finished your testimony, please email it to our Director of Policy & Social Impact, Jasmine Henderson who will submit it on your behalf when opponent testimony opens up!


Meet: Sharetta Smith


Abortion Justice Day of Action