SB 17 policy Pack
SB 17 is a harmful bill introduced by Senator Shaffer (R-Lancaster), creating barriers for Ohioans to receive SNAP, Medicaid, and unemployment benefits. Under this bill, there will be requirements for personal background checks from county officials and mandates new limits for individual assets, including vehicles and household items. SB 17 will leave families across the state of Ohio with less access to human services.
SB 17 enforces identity checks in the form of a color photo on every SNAP card, creating barriers for multi-family households with more than one adult shopping for the home. SB 17 is an infringement upon the right to health care and engages in ableism by requiring Ohioans with Medicaid to work at least part-time or go to school. Overall this bill does not improve Ohioans lives during a global pandemic but furthers hardship and food insecurity.