Legislative Update: Bills to Watch this Week

A Quick "Hello!"

Hello and welcome to Ohio Women’s Alliance Action Fund’s legislative update! This will be a place where we take the sometimes technical and wonky statehouse and break it down. Here, you’ll get bill updates, vote updates, and learn what you can do to fight back. You’ll hear about these through the perspective of reproductive justice and solidarity. 

It’s no secret the Ohio statehouse has a history of passing harmful, racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, and ableist bills; but no matter how common it might be, it will never be acceptable. With this in mind, we would love to hear your perspectives and thoughts after each update! Every other week, we will be holding a safe space in our Facebook group to discuss the bills and any calls to action, and to overall be in community with one another. Our first discussion will be Tuesday, June 1. Be on the lookout for guiding questions; we hope to see your responses there!

The first legislative update is starting off with some good news!

HB 142: The Safe Birthing Bill

The Safe Birthing Bill, also known as House Bill 142, was introduced to the Ohio House on February 23, 2021, by now Commissioner Erica Crawley and Representative Thomas Brinkley, making this a bipartisan bill. Last Thursday, May 19th, the Safe Birthing Bill was voted favorably out of committee! 

Why is it important? 

  • HB 142 allows folx who historically cannot afford doula services, especially womxn of color, to determine positive healthcare outcomes before, during, and after birth. The Safe Birthing Bill acknowledges healthy birth outcomes for parents and children and goes beyond doctors, nurses, and other medical staff's expertise. This bill recognizes that birthing parents have the right to decide the necessary physical, emotional, and psychological support, and advocacy resources in their birthing plan.

What are the next steps?

  • The bill now goes to the Rules and Reference committee. This committee will decide when to schedule the bill for a House floor vote, at which point the entire house of representatives will vote whether or not to pass the bill. If the bill passes in the House, it will then go to the Senate. If the bill does not pass the House, it will die and have to start the legislative process all over again. But we will do everything we can to make this bill a law! Be on the lookout for ways you can take action!

3 Bills That Attack Reproductive Justice to Watch this Week|
TW: mention of sexual assault 

House Bill 598—better known as the Trigger Ban bill—is the first bill we are keeping an eye on this week. If passed, this bill would automatically ban abortion access in Ohio when Roe v. Wade is overturned this summer. This bill has no exceptions for cases of rape or incest. When asked about the lack of these exceptions during testimony, the sponsor Rep. Jean Schmidt called pregnancies from rape an ‘opportunity’ for survivors. This kind of irrational thinking is dangerous and should not be coming from anyone, especially an elected official who is creating laws for Ohioans. As a reproductive justice organization, we acknowledge that full self-determination includes complete bodily autonomy. Abortion bans are a direct attack on our freedom.

Bottom line is: a majority of Ohioans support access to abortions. Republican legislators know this and are using every trick in the book to suppress and minimize our voice. On May 19, the public was told the committee in charge of this abortion ban bill will only be hearing 10 opponent testimonies and 10 proponent testimonies.

This is outrageous. 

Why does this matter?

  • Ohioans support abortion access and our elected officials are supposed to fight for our values and protections. These legislators should be welcoming their constituents into the statehouse to hear their concerns and learn how these harmful bills will impact our lives.

  • All in all, the statehouse is the people’s house. Our voices should be heard in committees where decisions about our reproductive freedom are being made!

What can you do?

Call the families, aging, and human services committee leadership and urge them to hold a 4th hearing for House Bill 598 for Ohioans to have our voices heard!

  • Chair Rep. Wilkin: 614-466-3506

  • Vice Chair Rep. Swearingen: 614-644-6011

  • Ranking member Rep. Brown: 614-644-6002

Additional Oppressive Bills Moving This Week

There are two other oppressive bills moving in the statehouse this week. Both bills are a direct attack on Ohioans' bodily autonomy. Along with the Trigger Ban bill, these bills will both be heard in the Families, Aging, and Human Services committee at 9 am on Thursday, May 26

House Bill 454 is an anti-gender-affirming bill that targets and attacks transgender youth. 

House Bill 480 is an abortion bounty hunter bill that bans abortions in Ohio but also allows private citizens to sue those who aid in abortions.

What actions can you take?

Call the Families, Aging, and Human Services committee leadership and urge them to vote “NO” on these bills.

  • Chair Rep. Wilkin: 614-466-3506

  • Vice Chair Rep. Swearingen: 614-644-6011

  • Ranking member Rep. Brown: 614-644-6002

How can I watch the hearing for these three bills?

  • At 9 am on Thursday, May 26, go to The Ohio Channel

  • On the homepage, you will see a box labeled “Ohio House Families, Aging, And Human Services”, click on it

  • Once you click on the box, you’ll be viewing the committee
    Don’t be surprised if the committee doesn’t start on time!

Reminder: Abortions and Gender-Affirming Care are Life-Saving Healthcare 

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at ana@ohiowomensalliance.org.

Ana Martinez
Senior Campaign Manager


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Safe Birthing Bill passes through committee