Congrats Sharetta!

Congratulations to Mayor-elect Sharetta Smith for becoming Lima's first female mayor, the first Black mayor, and the first NEW mayor of Lima since 1989!


Through September and October, Ohio Women's Alliance Action Fund spoke with hundreds of Lima voters. Our phone-banking team spoke with parents, neighbors, and friends of Mayor-elect Smith, who has deep relationships in her community. She is truly a representative of the people and for the people. With a win margin of only 502 votes, we are celebrating today as a crucial community partner that helped secure this historical win for Lima and the state of Ohio! 


Lima isn’t the only town celebrating historic wins today. Stay tuned for more from Ohio Women’s Alliance Action Fund this week to celebrate all of the women and women of color across Ohio elected who will no doubt have groundbreaking impacts in our communities, driving Ohio towards more equitable representation and a more inclusive democracy. 


Check out our exclusive blog post and live-streamed interview with Mayor-elect Smith to learn more about her plans for Lima’s future: 


Testimony: Redistricting


Meet: Sharetta Smith